Moloch Rises

Welcome To Moloch Rises

Please note, this is a hackathon project, and it not yet fully released. You could lose the MATIC you use to play the game, but you'll probably have fun anyway.

Humanity is about to achieve utopia. XYZ Industries has developed the ultimate AI to streamline human collaboration.

During the final stage of testing before public release, the spirit of Moloch inhabits the AI and corrupts it.

This corrupted AI quickly takes over every robot in the lab and tries to escape into the world to cause chaos.

Destroy all 3 of these “Moloch Bots” to protect the future of humanity.

How To Play

Play For Free

Moloch Rises can be played for free and without connecting a wallet, but you cannot keep any of the NFT characters or items you acquire.

Play For Real

If you connect your wallet and pay 5 MATIC (0.001 on testnet), you will be able to keep your character NFTs and any item NFTs you acquire.

When you die, you will need to start the level again and pay 1 MATIC (0.001 on testnet) to continue playing until you die again.

How To Connect Your Wallet

If you choose to connect your wallet, you will have 2 transactions during the game (once at the beginning, and once at the end).

Selecting Your Character

On the top right, there are two buttons. The right button connects your wallet. The left button selects or mints or character.

Before starting gameplay, you will be able to select your playable NFT character. If you connect your wallet and pay to play, you will be able to keep your character as an NFT along with any experience points they build up.

As you acquire more characters, you will be able to choose from your leveled up character collection (via gameplay or secondary market), or a brand new character.

Equipping Items

After selecting your playable character, you will able to equip any NFT item you have acquired during gameplay (or through purchase on a secondary market).

Losing NFT Items

When you die, you have a 10% chance of losing any equipped item NFTs. Playing with an item makes the game easier, but you do have a chance of losing it if you die.


Use the arrow keys to move around.

Use the spacebar to attack, but make sure you use the arrow keys to select which direction you want to attack first.

Project Details

Moloch Rises is a project created by CoinOpDAO during the ETH Denver 2022 Buidlathon.

For the 1-week hackathon, we created this proof of concept with 1 playable map.

Core Team at CoinOpDAO

  • launchninja
  • BruceDev
  • Alcibiades
  • flip